Excuse our inexperience. We in use to advisement that excellent philosophy have advice. But they come across to have been tossed in the junkyard by an fearsome amount of people, who are plain guided by planning that are pretty a great deal the opposite of the ones we have in heed.
We missed the originals and grew tender about them. So we reflected on their outside influence. Here is a choice of them, along with what be to be their on-line replacements.
Great Idea: The Sanctity of Life
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Current Replacement: The Cheapness of Life
Great Idea: Life According to Reason
Current Replacement: Life According to Unreason
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Great Idea: The Golden Mean
Current Replacement: Extremes of Every Kind
Great Idea: Thou Shalt Not Kill
Current Replacement: Kill to Make a Point
Great Idea: Love Your Neighbor
Current Replacement: Hate Your Neighbor
Great Idea: Perpetual Peace And Progress
Current Replacement: Perpetual War And Regression
Great Idea: Live and Let Live
Current Replacement: Die and Make Die
Great Idea: The Greatest Happiness for the Greatest Number
Current Replacement: The Greatest Misfortune for the Greatest Number
Great Idea: Sex is Beautiful
Current Replacement: Sex is Shameful
Great Idea: Self-Realization
Current Replacement: Self-Indulgence
Great Idea: Fellow Feeling
Current Replacement: Fellow Indifference
Great Idea: Magna est Veritas
Current Replacement: Minor est Veritas
Obviously, we\\'re witnessing a past gyrate for the worse.
Imagine. Ever since the Renaissance, a great deal of the innocently enthusiastic quality contest has acknowledged that it is, yet haltingly, on the road to ever-better days.
Oh, here was always the persistent cognitive content that what collapses once might, in fact, malady once more. But we fabric that currentness had improved a beautiful persevering floor below what we chew over the world.
Surprisingly, however, we\\'ve sagged uncomfortably fasten to a new but nosily diametric Dark Age. While it\\'s technically able and scientifically revelatory, it\\'s as inhumane and imbecile as ever.
In fact, technology and science, which are redemptory when utilized in the service of life, are, as you fine know, widely employed all the amended to stroke your neighbouring up.
Clearly, these are times that flatter an mortal to transport the womb-to-tomb scenery.
Let\\'s watch at the nonspecific behaviour of the international as we predominantly endure it: done the media.
It\\'s marvellously unstable. Let a outlaw or a cretin sin anywhere, and the experience is on the double bestowed for our respected choler.
But, well-intentioned as more than of it is, the media is with the sole purpose proactive at the flat of naif confusion. It\\'s just the educated bastion background inevitably resistant the entering of content revived.
Even the best significantly regarded exponents of reasoned argument who reside the media don\\'t tell a employed acquaintance of the concept requisite for the educated counsel of society. It\\'s as if we\\'re all presumed to not real we\\'re misfortunate victims who don\\'t cognize any better.
By default, furthermost of the planning that culture is backed up by are nowhere present in our quotidian world debate.
What\\'s even much heavy is that we don\\'t see a likely rectification.
While the media spreads the fire of the social order like yelping idiots bearing torches, the world body we have in position appear incapable of viewing up near a presumptive inferno footwear. At best, they activate at the rank of point-counterpoint speaking next to the barbarians of the age.
Most regrettably, our authority at first sight can\\'t circle the bell on their happening motortruck and thrust to the retrieval. What have we but scientists with a blathering child\\'s know-how of school of thought and art, and philosophers and artists near an antediluvian knowledge of field of study and its benefits?
So the fire of the social order issue speedily.
If the reversion to savagery continues, we may have to desire that the quality contest is a shift species that is too hot and dense to closing.
Or we can rob the womb-to-tomb landscape. As a species, we\\'re sole in the region of 100,000 old age old and, in spite of the accouterment of modernity, camped basically al fresco the pit. Maybe in a million or so age we\\'ll check out of our fictitious differences and diverse idiocies aft and truly become the human contest.
In the meantime, we can with the sole purpose expectation that adequate those abstain from the ideas in the junkyard to get them and build them relation of the routine content of what is, without them, a worldwide settlement in the thralldom of violence, superstition, and nuclear dynamite.